7 Wonders Day: 07.07.
“A day to wonder!”
Zurich, Switzerland: The world is again celebrating 7 Wonders Day to honour the iconic Wonders chosen by more than 600 million votesfollowing three historic global campaigns: the New7Wonders of the World, the New7Wonders of Nature and the New7Wonders Cities.
The annual, official, worldwide 7 Wonders Day takes place every 7 July, and the goal is to celebrate the elected Wonders while underlining the concept of Global Memory in a positive and motivating way. Under the umbrella of the New7Wonders Foundation, 7 Wonders Day is powered by the slogan “A day to wonder!”
7 Wonders Day also encourage people to be active — in every sense — not only to celebrate the officially elected New 7 Wonders of the world, but also to come up with their own ideas of wonders. On this day we invite everyone to become active in the preservation of our heritage: Take your family and friends to the location of your wonder, and share your happiness with others. For example:
- Start cleaning up a site you consider a wonder, and spread the message of the good you are doing!
- Teachers, start a theme day or a theme week in class around 7 Wonders Day (we’ll provide you with guidelines).
- Come up with your own creative ideas and make this day wonderful and memorable!
People who want to show their support and action on 7 Wonders Day are encouraged to join the global movement on 7 July by using the hashtags #7WD and #7WondersDay, taking photos of themselves and their friends and uploading them on WondersWall.com.
New7Wonders Founder Bernard Weber says: “Anyone can get involved in 7 Wonders Day. Everyone can play a role in safeguarding our heritage by being active and contributing to the success of 7 Wonders Day. Every social media post, share or tweet raises the profile of our elected Wonders in people’s minds and hearts, in the world’s media and on the global development agenda. Let’s support one another on 7 July: A day to wonder!“
About World 7Wonders Day: 7Wonders Day recurs every year on 7 July (07.07) and the goal of the initiative is to inspire, to wonder and to celebrate the elected Wonders while raising the profile of Global Memory in a positive and motivating way. Coordinated by the New7Wonders Foundation, 7Wonders Day is led by the slogan “A day to wonder!” 7Wonders Day explores how everyone – as a group or as individuals – can play a part in celebrating our heritage and reflecting on what people can do to ensure that this remains a wonderful world.

About 7Wonders Day activities and grassroots events: From Mexico to China, from Rio to Rome, people around the globe come together on 7 July (07.07) to show that “A day to wonder!” is not only a positive and fun day but also a meaningful and important event recurring every year.
About Global Memory: With the election of the Official New 7 Wonders of the World in 2007, humanity created, for the first time in history, what we are calling Global Memory: 7 things that everyone can remember and in which they can participate. Global Memory has been expanded by the election of the Official New 7 Wonders of Nature in 2011 and the New7Wonders Cities in 2014.
About New7Wonders: Bernard Weber, a Swiss-born Canadian, started New7Wonders in 2000 with the objective of asking the people of the world to elect the rightful heirs of the ancient Greek Seven Wonders of the World. The growth of the internet and the ubiquity of mobile phones made it possible, for the first time in human history, to organise a worldwide voting campaign. This global democratic exercise resulted in the election of the Official New 7 Wonders of the World in 2007.
For more information visit: https://about.new7wonders.com/faq/
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